CSC Hiring Freshers ( Software Developer ) Send Resumes Follwed Email - Send Now

Company Name  :  CSC

Company Profile : CSC is a leading global IT Services company. CSC provides innovative solutions for customers around the world by applying leading technologies and CSC's own advanced capabilities. These include systems design, integration, IT, applications software development, web application hosting management and technology consulting and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). With more than 90000 employees worldwide, CSC's revenue exceeds $ 15.0 billion. The mission of CSC is to be a global leader in providing technology-enabled business solutions and services.

Designation   -   Oppurtunity with CSC for Build and Release Engineer

Job Description

Experience  :  0 - 2 Years

Role  :  Software Developer

Location  :  Chennai

Candidates interested who can attend a personal interview in Chennai please send in your resumes to

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